Thursday, 29 May 2014

Are Recruiters Becoming Extinct?


There is a loud noise that the role of recruiters is being replaced by job boards and social networking sites. People have started to believe that recruiting activities have substantially lessened to the point to extinction. In real, Job boards are like advertisements put-up directly by the employers, and social networking sites are like a gathering of friends and colleagues who are already well known. On contrary, a recruiter is that one person who knows everyone and is your go-to person for information and contacts. 

The truth is that the organizations find external recruiters more dependable in the current scenario. In this growing cutting-edge corporate world the organizations desire to hire the perfect talent for their organization. But the limitation of time does not allow establishing the independent search for every single position. Organizations find that having an in-built human resource force is becoming insufficient and the HR finds it almost impossible to screen the thousands of resumes that keep piling on each day. In such situation the job boards and networking sites fail to provide the ultimate solution and the resolution is sought in the form of external recruiter.

Organizations hiring external recruiters breathe a sigh of relief reason being, an external recruiter a person who assists and fulfills the demands by hunting for the right talent through the high-end research. Before rushing to hire an external recruiter the organization should always go through the background of that very recruitment firm. A recruitment firm like Net HR comes with the experience of more than 15 years. 

Net HR becomes more dependable through the following attributes:

  • An updated and maintained database promises to help in finding the right person.

  • The chief asset of Net HR is the team of highly qualified professionals which coordinates and understands the requirements of the organization and the candidate.

  • Net HR has sustained its relationships with the top notch multinational organizations, and that trust is achieved through practicing transparency from the beginning to the point of negotiating.

  • Net HR follows a step-wise strategic search methodology which enhances the search procedure

Commitment is the key to have happy clients. Net HR has gained the reputation by maintaining the punctuality and timely product delivery.

Job boards and networking sites prove to of help to a certain extent, but dependability is furnished only by recruiters. Today the job boards and networking sites have opened various doors but still the efficiency is catered by the recruiters.  Giving in to the myths of extinction of recruiter sector will give a hiatus to your career and will extend the hunt for the right candidate for organizations. 

Consult the best recruitment company with the PAN India reach and find the best recruitment solutions.

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